Hi hi! My name is Worm, and this is my little home on the web. Almost everything you see here was made with my own two paws!
Please note that this website is quite image-heavy. I have compressed almost every image in an attempt to mitigate the effects of having a buttload of pictures, but some pages may still take a while to load.
This website is responsive and functions on mobile devices, but the webmaster's personal recommendation is to view it in Firefox on a computer ;3 Depending on your browser's settings, this site automatically adapts to both light and dark mode! Pretty neat!
While there is no explicit content on this website, it is not intended for children.
Thank you for stopping by! Feel free to take my site button with you, if you'd like. But no hotlinking, or else I shall cast a thousand-year curse upon you!
02/19/2025 — Added two drawings to the art gallery, as well as two dividers to the graphics page.
02/16/2025 — Changed the font used on the site. Added two Pokémon drawings to the art gallery.
02/15/2025 — Created a sitemap. Added a creature to the art gallery.
02/11/2025 — Added a page for reference sheets to the artwork section. Added more links, as well as little icons that appear next to any external links.
02/08/2025 — Added two pony drawings and a creature to the art gallery.
02/06/2025 — Tweaked a few things so that they look nicer, mostly positioning.
02/05/2025 — Overhauled the site. Every page has been updated and reorganized. Artwork and photographs, both new and old, have been added.